
Flat Graphics

Crown do Brasil has the highest quality products for application on the most diverse substrates, with a wide variety of metallic colors and holographic patterns.

We have the ideal Hot Stamping, whatever equipment is used.

Meet the Overprint SO23 Hotstamping Tape

Bring your projects to life with Crown do Brasil’s SO23 Hot Stamping Tape!

SO23 has an overprint feature, meaning that printing can be done over the Hot Stamping. Your projects can gain even more prominence with the localized metallic shine that Hot Stamping Overprint provides. Check out the video below for an example of how to apply SO23 tape.

In this box of Choco Crown chocolates, we applied the Hot Stamping tape to the planets, stars, the astronaut’s helmet and the name CROWN, precisely to demonstrate the application possibilities.

In the case of the planets, we demonstrate the printing in chroma on hot stamping, highlighting how the colors come to life when applied to the metallic background. The stars are given special prominence on this packaging, since we did not print on them, so the silver color of the ribbon stands out. Finally, both the name Crown and the astronaut’s helmet show that it is also possible to guarantee the metallic effect in a single printing color!

• Unlike the conventional process, with the SO23 Hot Stamping ribbon, the first step is to hit the hot stamp on the paper.
It must be hit carefully, so that the bleed from the stamping perfectly matches the print that will be made later.

• After the paper has been Hot Stamped, it is returned to the printing shop so that printing can be done on the ribbon.

• In the printing process, there are two alternatives for choosing inks; the first is through UV printing, where after the photopolymerization process, the inks harden quickly and do not damage the hot stamping.

• Another alternative is printing with oxidative ink, which dries super quickly.


Crown do Brasil’s Research and Development team brings yet another new product to the Brazilian market:

Meet Fun Foil Bicolor! Did you know that you can now customize your own hot stamping? This page is just a demonstration of what is possible: you can customize your print!

And the best part? Because it’s a design made directly on the foil, in just one stroke you can have two colors and designs on your work. With Crown do Brasil’s Fun Foil, you can play with patterns and colors and get the hot stamping you want!

Want to know more? Contact our sales team